Our Projects

2020: Beyond Housing

In 2020 we commenced a joint $10M commitment with Beyond Housing, with the Foundation providing $9M in funding to build social housing in regional Victoria. With the Foundation committing 90% of the land and building cost we will house 44 individuals from Ballan to Wodonga.

58 individuals housed

From Ballan to Wodonga

Our Foundation has shifted its focus to be primarily on the provision of social housing. Having undertaken some smaller projects with BeyondHousing we proceeded into further discussions about how we may partner in the future to achieve positive social outcomes. We are confident that they can deliver the scale of projects we are undertaking and understand the positive benefits the projects would provide to both the rural community and the local economy.


Ultimately, we hope to have people in safe and secure housing, something all Australians deserve. We hope that our collaboration with BeyondHousing will inspire other philanthropic organisations to undertake committed and long-term relationships with not for profits.


We believe there is a misguided stigma around homelessness and if this year has taught us anything, it is that homelessness can affect people from all walks of life. We believe that in a country as wealthy as Australia, all people should have access to safe and affordable housing.